
作者: 时间:2021-08-03 点击数:

















一、 个人简介

太阳集团tyc5997经理助理;2004年9月-2008年6月 天津大学 制药工程学 学士;2008年9月-2013年1月 天津大学 制药工程学 博士(硕博连读)(其中,2009年6月-2013年1月,军事医学科学院 放射与辐射医学研究所,实验血液学实验室);2013年2月-2017年9月,山东省眼科研究所,任助理研究员,副研究员。2017年9月-今 太阳集团tyc5997,太阳集团tyc5997,副教授。

二、 主要研究方向

1. 干细胞与肝脏疾病的治疗

2. 干细胞与眼表疾病的治疗

3. 炎症小体在代谢病中的作用及机制

三、 代表性科研成果
(1). Jing Xu, Peng Chen, Chaoqun Yu, Yaning Liu, Shaohua Hu, Guohu Di*.In vivo Confocal Microscopic Evaluation of Corneal Dendritic Cell Density and Subbasal Nerve Parameters in Dry Eye Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis[J]. FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 2021 Apr 7;8.

(2). Guohu Di, Xia Qi , Jing Xu , Chaoqun Yu , Qilong Cao , Zhijun Xing , Zhichao Li*Therapeutic effect of secretome from TNF-α stimulated mesenchymal stem cells in an experimental model of corneal limbal stem cell deficiency [J]. International Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021 Feb 18;14(2):179-185.

(3). Suzhen Tang #, Guohu Di #(co-fi), Shaohua Hu , Yaning Liu , Yunhai Dai , Peng Chen*AQP5 regulates vimentin expression via miR-124-3p.1 to protect lens transparency [J]. Experimental Eye Research, 2021 Apr;205:108485.

(4). Yaning Liu#, Guohu Di #(co-fi), Shaohua Hu , Tianyu Zhao , Xinkai Xu , Xiaoyi Wang , Peng Chen*Expression Profiles of CircRNA and mRNA in Lacrimal Glands of AQP5 -/- Mice With Primary Dry Eye [J].Frontiers in Physiology, 2020 Sep 3;11:1010.

(5). Chaoqun Yu, Peng Chen, Jing Xu, Yaning Liu, Hui Li, Linna Wang, Guohu Di*. hADSCs derived extracellular vesicles inhibit NLRP3inflammasome activation and dry eye [J]. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1).

(6). Chaoqun Yu, Hao Chen, Xia Qi, Peng Chen, Guohu Di*. Annexin A1 mimetic peptide Ac2-26 attenuates mechanical injury induced corneal scarring and inflammation [J]. Biochemical and Biophysical Communication, 2020, 519(2):396-401

(7). Di G#, Zhao X#, Qi X, Zhang S, Feng L, Shi W, Zhou Q* VEGF-B promotes recovery of corneal innervations and trophic functions in diabetic mice. Scientific Reports. 2017; 16(7):40582.

(8). Di G#, Qi X#, Zhao X, Zhang S, Zhou Q*, Efficacy of sodium hyaluronate in murine diabetic ocular surface diseases. Cornea 2017;36(9):1133-1138.

(9). Di G#, Du X#, Qi X, Zhao X, Duan H, Xie L*, Zhou Q* Mesenchymal stem cells promote diabetic corneal epithelial wound healing through TSG-6-dependent stem cell activation and macrophage switch. IOVS 2017;58(10):4064-4074.

(10). Di G#, Qi X#, Zhao X, Zhang S Partick D*, Zhou Q* Corneal epithelium derived neutrotropic factors promote neurite outgrowth. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci[J]. 2017 Sep 1;58(11):4695-4702.

(11). Yang L#, Di G #(co-fi), Qi X, Qu M, Wang Y, Duan H, Danielson P, Xie L*, Zhou Q*. Substance P promotes diabetic corneal epithelial wound healing through molecular mechanisms mediated via the neurokinin-1 receptor. Diabetes. 2014 ;63(12):4262-74.

(12). Di G, Liu Y, Lu Y, Liu J, Wu C, Duan H*. IL-6 secreted from senescent mesenchymal stem cells promotes proliferation and migration of breast cancer cells. PLoS One. 2014; 24;9(11):e113572.

(13). Di G#, Jiang S#, Li F, Sun J, Wu C, Hu X, Duan H*; Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells mitigate chemotherapy-associated tissue injuries in a pre-clinical model. Cytotherapy. 2012;14 (4):412-422.

(14). Di G#, Wang J#, Liu M, Wu C, Han Y*, Duan H*; Development and evaluation of a trahalose contained solution formula to preserve hUC-MSCs at 4℃. J Cell Physiol. 2012;227(3):879-884.


1. 单细胞组学重建多能干细胞向肝脏命运决定关键机制, 干细胞国家重点研发计划青年项目子课题项目编号: 2018YFA0109800),课题负责人

2. VEGF-VEGFR1信号通路在维持角膜神经稳态中的作用及其分子机制,国家自然科学基金58万元,课题负责人

3. 脐带间充质干细胞抑制肺癌转移的作用及机制研究,国家自然科学基金 22万元,课题负责人

4. P物质(substance P)促进神经性角膜炎角膜上皮修复的机制研究,青岛市科技发展基金5万元,课题负责人

5. VEGF-VEGFR1信号通路介导角膜神经再生的作用及机制,青岛市市南区科技基金6万元,课题负责人



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